Make A Wish

With the launch of a new round of Microbit electronics courses in a number of Salisbury schools, what better way to show of the capabilities of the little Microbit board…

Christmas Tutorials

It'll soon be Christmas once again and as First Coding likes to offer free tutorials to download, I'm busy working on some great little projects for all to enjoy. Last…

The Finished Cabinet

Here is the arcade cabinet, powered by a tiny Raspberry Pi Zero in its finished state and I really like the way it turned out. I've learnt a great deal…

A Working Cabinet

This was my favourite stage of the build as I now had a working model. It was nice to play the cabinet in its entirety as it highlighted a few…

Building the Arcade Cabinet

The gaming cabinet is being built without any plans and this is going to make for an interesting project indeed. All dimensions for the cabinet are being based around the…