Here is the arcade cabinet, powered by a tiny Raspberry Pi Zero in its finished state and I really like the way it turned out. I’ve learnt a great deal during the build process and will be in a better position should I take on a similar build. Although the whole build came in at around £40 (not including the screen), I have learnt that it is worth investing in decent materials to finish off the look of the cabinet.

Raspberry Pi Arcade Cabinet

When trying to work out how to cover the frame cheaply, I actually put the question to a couple of online forums and a number of people suggested self adhesive car vinyl and so this is what I went with. It turned out to be a very wise choice as it’s durable, easy to apply without trapping any air bubbles and does a really good job of hiding any woodworking mistakes. The red edging is simply insulation tape but I think I can find a better alternative.

If you’re considering building your own cabinet but are put off by taking that initial step, I would definitely giving it a try. If I can do it then so can you. We sell raspberry Pi retro gaming kits in our shop here which will get you started.