Rain Soundboard

Here is a simple soundboard for you to try. Clicking on the numbers one at a time will play sound clips of rain. Pressing button 3 will allow you to…

Adventures in Coding

The presentation I give to KS2 children is all about how programming isn't just restricted to the computer in your home, it can be applied in many other exciting areas.…

Blast Off!

Watch through the telescope as the First Coding rocket blasts off for the stars. https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/204088828/

Half-Term Workshops

It's been rather busy lately as preparation continues for a few up and coming courses and events. Today saw the last half-term app building workshop where we made a few…

When Planets Collide

As part of Space Month I wanted to use these colliding planets to illustrate how easy it is to incorporate random behaviour into any game you make. Take a look…

February is Space Month

This month's Facebook theme is space. Be sure to follow our Facebook page to receive regular updates on space related projects that are out of this world!

The Maze Challenge

Parents of pupils were invited this week to take part in the Maze Challenge. The mazes were built by the pupils and made good use of the randomisation techniques we've…

Minecraft and Code

This week saw me visit the Bett Show which is an educational tech exhibition held in London's ExCel Centre. The show is massive to say the least and in order…