January Newsletter

Our January newsletter is out and it features our interactive BB8 droid that's been built using an old broken toy and methods covered in our courses. You can read the…

Superhero Month: Masks

As it's the start of Superhero Month, we first need to select the mask we're going to wear on our adventures. This is an easy program to build in Scratch,…

January is Superhero Month

Happy New Year to everyone! After the success of the spy themed projects last month, we're continuing along a similar theme with January being Superhero Month. Don't forget to check…

The Caesar Cipher App

Spy Month has been a great deal of fun especially seeing as though it's been First Coding's first monthly theme. The projects have generated a great deal of interest and…

Spy Month: Maze Game

We have a maze challenge for you this time. Controlling the red block using the arrow keys, can you navigate the maze to reach the gold coin whilst avoiding touching…

Spy Month: Morse Code

So we've chosen our spy name and written our messages in our secret code, now we can transmit it via our Morse code machine. Check it out here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/191985097 Press the…


Our December newsletter is out: http://mailchi.mp/f…/first-codings-december-newsletter-40565 If you would like to subscribe to our mailing list to receive First Coding updates, news and ideas then just drop us a line at hello@firstcoding.co.uk

Spy Month: The Secret Code Machine

Spy Month continues with the Secret Code Machine, a great little Caesar Cipher built in Scratch to help keep your secret messages a secret. https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/185866145/ It was a little tricky at…